
But I pretend...

The next chapter of "A Perfect Mess" goes through Psalm 62, and talks about the unsaid rules of Christianity and how as women we attempt to put on our hose and pretty dresses to cover our imperfections. We attempt to look like we have it all together, because our world tells us if we don't were weak. Well the world finally got it right, we ARE weak! Harper says "Walking in faith means trusting in God alone, not in what we say or do or wear. It means being honest about the fact that each of us is a mess and we need God's mercy. It means recognizing our complete dependence on His protection, provision, and providence." Can you say OUCH?!? yea Jesus, I think I hear you loud and clear. I mean at least I am honest and admit I am a complete mess right?!? No. There are two parts to that. First, we have to understand were a complete mess, which includes not only being honest with ourselves but others as well. Then, comes the hard part, we have to completely depend on the Lord our God for His protection, provision and providence. We cannot save ourselves. If that were the case, we would not have needed the grace Jesus gave us and the death of our Savior would have been for nothing. I get that we so desperately want to handle things on our own and we want to make everything better, my pride and selfishness remind me of that daily. I have news for you (and myself) we were not made for that. Before the whole fall of man thing happened, before Eve became a little weak and Adam lost his guts to say something to her, man was perfect. Man was made to depend on the Lord and His creation. We were not supposed to attempt to handle everything on our own or hide our imperfections. I mean after all what can you hide when you're naked?! Harper also says "Frankly, I think fixating on our own competency- or incompetency- is one of the biggest mistakes believers make. Because when we focus all our energy on trying to be in control, we forget our innate sinfulness and our desperate need for God." Lastly, she says "God's love frees us from meaningless rules and religious propriety, which means we can live authentically and abundantly by relying on Him instead of ourselves." First step is recognizing our disasters called lives, CHECK. Now its time we, now its time I, fully depend on the one person who deserves our(my) faith.

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Everyday I fail at being perfect. This blog is a little about those failures and follows the things I am learning about me, life, and the beauty of loving the Lord. My God is in mad pursuit of my heart. He is standing at the end of the aisle waiting for His bride to run to Him... and that is what I plan on doing.
