This weekend was ASC retreat and I really enjoyed it. The speaker spoke about how we are all sinners and what that looks like. She made a comment that so often we think of sin as adultery or lying or murder (which they are) but we forget about the inward stuff. Sin can also be an attitude of the heart, some examples include: jealousy, bitterness, anxiety, fear, depression, pride. This kind of hit hard for me. I can think of an instance I have fallen to every single one of these within the past week alone. I think if someone says that these aren't something they struggle with they aren't exactly being honest with themselves. Lets be real with ourselves, we are dirty and filthy and filled with sin. I heard it described once as if we were to think of all of our mistakes and sin and imagine what our hearts would look like. I know mine would probably look like it had been set on fire and then covered with tar. I am a pretty broken person. I have a lot of sin and mistakes that I don't want people to know about. The truth is the one person that matters knows it all. God knows every single sin I have made. He knows what my heart looks like.
The best part about this lesson comes when we realize that even though God knows what our hearts look like (tar filled and all) He still loves and wants us. He longs for us and desires to have a relationship with us.
This goes along with the title of this blog. I mentioned it before but it is a line from the song "Wedding Dress" by Derek Webb. It says, "I am a whore I do confess, I put you on like a wedding dress and I run down the aisle to you." So many times we run from God and when we decide to go back He is always there waiting for us with open arms. Why is it that we give ourselves to so many other things than come back to our Savior? We put Him on like a wedding dress and become white as snow again. We treat the creator of the world like crap and yet He still loves us the same. We have the opportunity to have a beautiful love story. My challenge for you (and myself especially) is to pursue the Lord and find joy in your romantic comedy with the Lord.
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