When I go home (to heaven that is) I want people to remember me as: kind-hearted, loving, constantly joyful, forgiving, always passionate, God-fearing, and beautiful (a beauty that seeps from the inside out).
♪ This world has nothing for me , I will follow You ♪
And I need...
I would like to start off this post by noting one important fact... I AM THE YOUNGEST CHILD (aka the baby). This means I am needy:
-I need people.
-I need affirmation.
-I need to be needed.
Oh gosh, I am seriously needy (sad thing is, it is even worse when I am sick). Two things are going on right now, one being tomorrow is Valentine's Day and the other being I am re-reading Redeeming Love. Both of these things are incredible reminders of how much I have until my younger child syndrome creeps in and leaves me "needing" (wanting) more. I "need" more affirmation. I "need" more attention. I "need" more excitement. Being the youngest child, when people aren't around I talk to myself. And these are the kind of things I have been telling myself. I need... I need... I need... Its almost like I think I deserve these things. I think my selfishness has completely muffled out the Lord. I haven't heard Him lately and quite frankly that made me angry because I NEED (there we go again) Him to be my friend. So where am I now? Attempting to go through the things I really need and the things I w...w...want. Whats the difference again? ;) When will I grow up? When will I realize what is truly important? When I will be less self focused and more Him-focused?
-I need people.
-I need affirmation.
-I need to be needed.
Oh gosh, I am seriously needy (sad thing is, it is even worse when I am sick). Two things are going on right now, one being tomorrow is Valentine's Day and the other being I am re-reading Redeeming Love. Both of these things are incredible reminders of how much I have until my younger child syndrome creeps in and leaves me "needing" (wanting) more. I "need" more affirmation. I "need" more attention. I "need" more excitement. Being the youngest child, when people aren't around I talk to myself. And these are the kind of things I have been telling myself. I need... I need... I need... Its almost like I think I deserve these things. I think my selfishness has completely muffled out the Lord. I haven't heard Him lately and quite frankly that made me angry because I NEED (there we go again) Him to be my friend. So where am I now? Attempting to go through the things I really need and the things I w...w...want. Whats the difference again? ;) When will I grow up? When will I realize what is truly important? When I will be less self focused and more Him-focused?
And the sun will come out...
Dear time at work, my intentions were to fill you with homework and studying but none of that happened. It's ok to waste a little time right?! Dear Mr. Morrow, I love that our way of deciding where to eat out involves you texting me options and me either replying "booo" or "hmmm". Thanks for understand my nonverbal communication skills via text message. Dear Jesus, thank you for pursuing me day after day. And thank you for loving me unconditionally. Thank you for your persistence in my life. And thank you for saving my soul. Dear friend, thank you for listening and thank you for offering/ going to do really boring things with me. It means more than you know. Dear soon-to-be-hubby-man, I love that you call cutting me off taking the lead in our relationship. I have full confidence in your ability to lead our relationship (unless it involves driving in college station). Dear Kails, thanks for hanging out with me this weekend and thanks for making me laugh so stinking much. Tell Patsie I said hey. Dear self, You are wanted. You are loved. You have worth. Remember it.
How can I be praying for you?
How can I be praying for you?
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About Me

- Jodi
- Everyday I fail at being perfect. This blog is a little about those failures and follows the things I am learning about me, life, and the beauty of loving the Lord. My God is in mad pursuit of my heart. He is standing at the end of the aisle waiting for His bride to run to Him... and that is what I plan on doing.