Over the past six months, Daniel and I have started a new chapter of our lives in Ft. Worth, Tx. I have officially passed all of my certification exams and finished my student teaching semester. Once I walk the stage in two weeks, I will be certified to teach 4-8 grade Language Arts or Social Studies. I will also be certified for ESL. The job search has just begun but has already found itself to be difficult. Since it is in the middle of the school year, most schools do not have any openings for full time staff. My plan is to substitute until I can find a job, but even finding a school district to substitute in has proven to be been a difficult task. As for Daniel, he has started seminary. He enjoys having the opportunity to study things he is interested in, specifically his classes on youth ministry. Daniel is on staff part time at a local church, Travis Ave. Baptist Church. He is responsible for Wednesday night activities and the youth praise band. It has been a wonderful learning experience so far, as he trains to eventually head his own ministry.
Many of you have asked how you could support us as we started this new journey in our lives. The first way we could use your support is through prayer. Specifically, we would appreciate your intercession regarding job opportunities for me. Our prayer is that the Lord would open up an opportunity for me and that I would be aware of His desire for my immediate future. You can also ask that God will continue to give Daniel the energy to keep up with school, work, and family. The second way to support us would be financially. Living on one income has been hard. Therefore, we are attempting to raise money to pay for Daniel's seminary fees. If you feel led to help financially you can either click the "donate" button below or send a check directly to Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. The check will need to have Daniel's name and Id number (0466386) on the memo line. The seminary's address is:
Southwestern Seminary Business Office
P.O. Box 22480
Ft. Worth, TX 76122-0480
Thank you for praying for us and loving us during this time. We are grateful to have such wonderful friends and family supporting us.
Want to help the Morrow's pay for seminary?
But lets be adventurous....
I was on Pinterest a few weeks ago (surprise surprise) and I came across this quote. It said something along the lines of 'don't be too busy making a living to live' (or something like that). My first thought was that it was just another cheesy quote, but something about it has really just stuck with me. I know it is important to make a living. I know it is important to provide for yourself and your family. But I don't want to look back and wonder why I wasted this opportunity I have. I want to be adventurous right now (while we still can). Daniel and I would like to start expanding our family IN A FEW YEARS. Once that happens we will not have the ability to go on as many explorations. With that being said the time is NOW. Who's with me?! (the crowd goes wild)
And life brings blessings...
I turn 23 in a little less than a week and I really just wanted to take a little time to focus on some of the blessings in my life.
I am blessed:
-to have a husband who is so patient, loving, and who works hard to provide for me.
-to have a family who will go out of their way for me.
-to have a couple who is willing to counsel Daniel and I.
-to have a friend who wants to share their life with me.
-to have a savior who has saved me, redeemed me, and made me new.
With another year of life, it is easy for me to see all of the ways I am blessed. I pray that the Lord will use me to bless others. And I pray that I do not lose sight of these blessings as change heads my way.
I am blessed:
-to have a husband who is so patient, loving, and who works hard to provide for me.
-to have a family who will go out of their way for me.
-to have a couple who is willing to counsel Daniel and I.
-to have a friend who wants to share their life with me.
-to have a savior who has saved me, redeemed me, and made me new.
With another year of life, it is easy for me to see all of the ways I am blessed. I pray that the Lord will use me to bless others. And I pray that I do not lose sight of these blessings as change heads my way.
But there is a better way....
“To believe actively that our Heavenly Father constantly spreads around us providential circumstances that work for our present good and our everlasting well-being brings to the soul a veritable benediction. Most of us go through life praying a little, planning a little, jockeying for position, hoping but never being quite certain of anything, and always secretly afraid that we will miss the way. This is a tragic waste of truth and never gives rest to the heart. There is a better way. It is to repudiate our own wisdom and take instead the infinite wisdom of God. Our insistence upon seeing ahead is natural enough, but it is a real hindrance to our spiritual progress. God has charged himself with full responsibility for our eternal happiness and stands ready to take over the management of our lives the moment we turn in faith to him.”
-A. W. Tozer
But love is not selfish...
2011 was filled with highs and lows. I found out I will be in school a little longer than I was hoping. I got married. I said things out of emotion and reap the consequences of that. I accomplished things I was afraid to try.
We are only 3 days into 2012 but it has started out pretty good. Daniel and I made a few resolutions individually and as a couple. One of mine was I want to ignore my many fears and give myself more of an opportunity to succeed at things. A couple of the ones we vowed together include saving more, being less aware of we want individually and more aware of what our spouse needs.
We started reading this book together called The Love Dare. Every day it has a short passage about an aspect of love and then a dare for the day. For example the first day talked about LOVE BEING PATIENT. The dare was to say nothing negative about your spouse for the day. (Harder than it sounds) The second day was LOVE IS KIND. It divided kindness up into 4 parts: Gentleness, Helpfulness, Willingness, and Initiative. The dare for the day was to do something kind for your spouse without being provoked. Todays passage is LOVE IS NOT SELFISH. We are supposed to buy something for our spouse that they need.
Each passage is really small and the dares are not difficult or time consuming but they are meaningful. It feels so good to stop focusing on myself and take time out to specifically show love to the Mr. He deserves it.
It is so weird to think abut where I am now and where I was a year ago. I am being completely honest when I say I love being married. I love sharing life with Daniel. We are growing together and learning more about ourselves, as individuals and as a couple, than I could have ever imagined. I am also being honest when I say I didn't expect other aspects of my life to be how they are. Other than my relationship with Daniel my life feels a little chaotic and off. I am missing a lot of the friendships I had and I think it has left me a little empty. But I am confident the Lord has me here for a reason.
I look forward to coming back to this post in a year and hopefully seeing growth. My goal is that I find myself less afraid of failing, more in love with Jesus than ever, and making huge strides towards being the woman the Lord calls me to be.
We are only 3 days into 2012 but it has started out pretty good. Daniel and I made a few resolutions individually and as a couple. One of mine was I want to ignore my many fears and give myself more of an opportunity to succeed at things. A couple of the ones we vowed together include saving more, being less aware of we want individually and more aware of what our spouse needs.
We started reading this book together called The Love Dare. Every day it has a short passage about an aspect of love and then a dare for the day. For example the first day talked about LOVE BEING PATIENT. The dare was to say nothing negative about your spouse for the day. (Harder than it sounds) The second day was LOVE IS KIND. It divided kindness up into 4 parts: Gentleness, Helpfulness, Willingness, and Initiative. The dare for the day was to do something kind for your spouse without being provoked. Todays passage is LOVE IS NOT SELFISH. We are supposed to buy something for our spouse that they need.
Each passage is really small and the dares are not difficult or time consuming but they are meaningful. It feels so good to stop focusing on myself and take time out to specifically show love to the Mr. He deserves it.
It is so weird to think abut where I am now and where I was a year ago. I am being completely honest when I say I love being married. I love sharing life with Daniel. We are growing together and learning more about ourselves, as individuals and as a couple, than I could have ever imagined. I am also being honest when I say I didn't expect other aspects of my life to be how they are. Other than my relationship with Daniel my life feels a little chaotic and off. I am missing a lot of the friendships I had and I think it has left me a little empty. But I am confident the Lord has me here for a reason.
I look forward to coming back to this post in a year and hopefully seeing growth. My goal is that I find myself less afraid of failing, more in love with Jesus than ever, and making huge strides towards being the woman the Lord calls me to be.
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About Me

- Jodi
- Everyday I fail at being perfect. This blog is a little about those failures and follows the things I am learning about me, life, and the beauty of loving the Lord. My God is in mad pursuit of my heart. He is standing at the end of the aisle waiting for His bride to run to Him... and that is what I plan on doing.