
And we plan...

If you're anything like me, you plan. You plan all of the classes you will take until graduation or you plan on cleaning the entire house, you don't always follow through on this one but you plan it none the less. You plan on having 3 children all with brown hair and green eyes named Hannah, Taylor and Joe. Then, something happens. Something goes wrong with your plan and you get upset and you are let down, because your plan was perfect. Your plan was the plan of all plans, the most legit plan possible, nothing could be better than your plan. Who are we kidding? Do we not realize that our God knows us better than we do? Do we not realize that the creator of the world has a better plan than we do? Its time we, its time I step off of my high horse and enjoy the plan my Lord has set aside for me.

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About Me

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Everyday I fail at being perfect. This blog is a little about those failures and follows the things I am learning about me, life, and the beauty of loving the Lord. My God is in mad pursuit of my heart. He is standing at the end of the aisle waiting for His bride to run to Him... and that is what I plan on doing.
