I have always lived by the assumption that if I do not leave my mark on people, if I do not change lives, I have failed at truly living. I don't know how many lives I have touched or how many people could honestly say their lives would be worse off had I not been born. I don't think that is something I will ever know but I have come to peace with that. I may never see the harvest of the seeds I plant today but the God I serve is faithful.
I have images of the children from the communities, in Zambia, stuck in my head. Faces that I can't seem to forget, of children I may never see again, are running through my head. These children have planted seeds of hope in my heart. They have planted seeds that will change my character into a better woman God. Thats something they will never know. So, I have hope. Hope, that I am planting seeds, despite not seeing the harvest.

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