
And you are making me new..

Overall, I had a really good weekend. Friday, after work, Daniel and I went and ate with the Vitek's and Chris. It was just a relaxed time of celebrating Andy's job. Saturday I worked 8 to 5. As soon as I got off Daniel and I got dressed and went out to the Kornegay's where we helped surprise Christine Hoover for her 20th Anniversary vow renewing ceremony. Chris had planned it all out so she had no idea but it was a fun time of dancing and celebrating a beautiful marriage. I felt so honored and blessed being there  and sharing in that special time with them. I hope Daniel and I are that happy in 20 years! Sunday we woke up and went to church and then I had lunch with Caitlin, Randi, and Ryan. I loved getting to catch up with them. Later that evening Daniel and I went to dinner with Alex and Andy before they left to go back to Houston.

I know all of that sounds boring and my point isn't to put you to sleep but to point out the fact that my weekend was filled with so much community.

It has been a little shocking for me (I think Daniel too) to see how fast our community dissolved after marriage. On one end we gained each other (thank the dear Lord) and so its constant community together, but on the other hand the people that we were closest to pretty much all moved off or are busy with their lives. It has been a big adjustment for me to go from being surrounded with sweet (girl) friends almost every evening of the week to seeing them once a month (if that).

Don't get me wrong I absolutely LOVE being married. Daniel is my very best friend and I love having him around. It is an adjustment though. Were looking for community together, but it is difficult during the summer time in this town. Who am I kidding? It is going to be difficult even while school will be in session. It is just something I am praying for because it is something I value so deeply. I guess I just felt like I needed to be honest.

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About Me

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Everyday I fail at being perfect. This blog is a little about those failures and follows the things I am learning about me, life, and the beauty of loving the Lord. My God is in mad pursuit of my heart. He is standing at the end of the aisle waiting for His bride to run to Him... and that is what I plan on doing.
