As girls we are guilty of many things. We dream, we expect, and we want what we want when we want it. I, being a girl, know more than anyone that I have committed this crime more than once. I don't want to go into much detail because things are still a little tender but over the last few weeks I allowed my heart and mind to believe in something I had convinced myself was true. I let my mind wonder and run off to a place it desperately wanted to go but wasn't healthy for my reality. I realize now my faults and I see where I was wrong but at the time I was hurt. I was just so devastated and in desperate need of a friend. Seeing as it was 4 o'clock in the morning and I knew no one was awake or would climb in bed with me and just let me cry I went to the Lord. (Funny how he always makes me alone when I am at a low) Part of me doesn't get it, why would the Lord not give me whats on my heart. My dear sweet friend Heather reminded me the next day that its going to happen. The Lord wants to give us our hearts desires but he also a little better timing than we do. She is right. She is soo right but being the little girl I am I want what I want now. This all being said my Savior is teaching me patience and faith (two things I so desperately need). My prayer for us, as beautiful women, is that we take on a sense of peaceful patience that will restore our faith which is so easily lost during our temper tantrums.
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