While procrastinating my biology assignments, I read a quote online that said, "The only thing we never get enough of is love; and the only thing we never give enough of is love." This made me think (of course) and I completely agree with this. Love is talked about over and over again in the bible, and is described in many ways. I think we, as a nation, and as a church, have fallen short of what God has called us to make of love. I talk a lot about how our society has affected us and this is going to be another instance. Were shown in movies and music this love that is passionate and unbreakable but then when we don't find it in society that is all we can think of. Until recently, I always blamed society for giving us a false image of love and making me (as a girl) have an unrealistic thought of what falling in love looks like. But I started thinking about it and why is that passion and love unrealistic? I think it has a lot to do with us being scared. We feel like someone has to love us, whether it is our moms, our dogs, or even ourselves. So we hold out. We keep a lot of the love we have to ourselves because were scared no one else will love us. We are a selfish nation and we have been taught not to give more than we are given. That isn't how love should be. We should give our all. Love should never be conditional. I just think we have distorted this beautiful thing God has given us called love. I think we, NO... I know for a fact that it is time for a revolution. It starts with me right?!
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