"For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning." Psalm 30:5
But were labeled...

I am sick and tired of people labeling me. I thought labeling people ended when you graduate high school but now I am starting to think it will never end. Here are some examples of the labels that have been forced upon me: the engaged girl, the girl who makes C's, the girl who is on exec, the girl who answers phones, the "goody goody", etc. All these things are pretty accurate but when you label someone, you are defining them to one thing. If I have to be labeled something, I want to label myself. I don't want to be the fiance or the receptionist. I want to be the girl who is in love with her God. I want to be the girl who never stops showing God's mercy and love. I want to give grace as freely as it has been given to me. I don't just want to be labeled a Christian. I want to be the splitting image of my Father. So if you are going to define me in one way, define me as the girl who is in love with her maker.
And Thursday has been a little rough...

And its 9/13/10...
I try so hard to be very transparent in this blog. I try and explain my struggles and my triumphs, but right now I have nothing to say. I know what I am struggling with and I know that I would like to be honest with you (assuming someone is reading this) but I have nothing coming to words.
Dear Lord, give me a confident hope in you. Allow me to feel your presence and see you at work in my life. Quiet the devils whispers and hold me a while.
But I look forward...
Wow, this week was busy and my weekend is only going to be more crazy. (This weekend will be filled with things I want to do rather than school, though, so it trumps this week by far.)
My roommates and I are reading "Facing Your Giants" by Max Lucado. I am very excited about this. I read the first chapter and loved it. I am ready to talk to the girls about it and dig further in. I think there is a lot I can learn from this book.
Dear professor, you are mean. You are just flat out a big bully. You point people out in class and announce to the entire room how dumb they are and I do not like it. This is not making you look any better. And as for pointing out to the entire class how big the rock on my finger is, I was embarrassed and did not like the attention. If you could just teach and stop picking on people maybe you would finish on time and not make us go over by 10 minutes, resulting in me being late to work. Dear weekend, you are going to be so much fun. Engagement party, football game, WIL group leader retreat! Wooo I almost can't hold in my excitement. Dearest Daniel, I love you more than ever. Thanks for taking care of me. Dear Jesus, I am ready to be like David. I am ready to give you my battles so you can concur my Goliath's. I am ready to be centered on you. Dear Pride, you have got to go. Dear Ego, get yourself in check. Dear roomies, thanks for helping me with this party and the wedding and everything. Thanks for being interested. Thanks for caring. Thanks for being so awesome. I love you more than smore poptarts on a thursday night on boochy. (And I am sure you know how BIG that is)
But bring me peace...

Dear Lord, My prayer right now is that I really find peace in John 16:33. There are a lot of things I am struggling with right now and I am finding it hard to simply be at peace. Calm my heart and my thoughts and give me a sense of serenity. Dear woman at work, I know you are excited about getting a new car but you are talking very loud. This room echos and your voice is about to give me an anxiety attack. So if you could just use your inside voice I would really appreciate. Dear fiance, I love you. Were down to like 269 days and were about to have our engagement party. This is unreal. I am so excited for the rest of our lives. Dear Big Brother, I cannot wait to watch you tonight. To say I love you would be an understatement. Dear rain, I really love you and our grass really needs you. What would make you really awesome is if you would stop coming down harder every time I leave a building. Dear roomies, I look forward to our Sunday night time bible study time. I cant wait to grow with you both. Love you ladies a lot. Dear new head band (seen in picture above), I really like you a lot. Thanks for giving my head a little bit of bedazzle tonight!
But its nothing special...

And nothing is impossible for you...
Dear caring fiance, you have such a big heart. Thank you for reassuring me of my importance and the love you have for me. Dear self, try and not forget your song while you're in the desert. You have a faithful God, so trust Him. Dear Hosanna, give me the patience and peace to wait on you and when you're ready show me the plans you have for me.
♪ but you put food in my body
fill water in my dried bed
and to my blackened branches
You brought the springtime
Green of new life
And nothing is impossible for you ♪
And its another day...

Dear gracious father, I am desperately searching for where you want me. I need your help because I cant figure it out on my own. Dear hypothetically Daniel's yard, If I were to hypothetically have forked you then my wrist would hypothetically be hurting right now because you are very hard dirt. You need some water. Dear tomorrow, I really don't want to work so if you could go by fast I would love you forever. Dear Texas A&M football team, every year I get excited for opening day. Please do not let me down. Dear Mr. Morrow, hypothetically if you were the target of a prank I am sorry. BUT I love you and cannot wait to spend forever with you. Dear sleep, I hear you calling my name and I am answering!
But there will be a light...
Dear sweet Savior, my heart is hurting for the broken. The other day I was reminded that even though I live in this place called "the bible belt" some have never heard. Lord, show me the poor, the widow, the orphan, the broken, the lost and give me the courage to not be silent. Dear friend, I know you're hurting, for what it means I am praying for you daily. I am praying for your strength, courage and your beautiful heart. Dear biological father and mother, I know you are giving up a lot for me and my wedding. Your sacrifice means the world and is appreciated. Dear readers (if I have any), thank you for reading. It means a lot to me. Dear future hubby, you treat me like a princess. You treat me with respect. You treat me like I matter. Your love for me is very evident (to everyone). Thank you for loving me. Dear friday, thank you for not having any class. You are whats keeping me sane. Dear big 'ole rock on my finger, thank you for being so purrty and representing something so beautiful. Dear bad bad devil, I refuse to be complacent anymore. I refuse to let you win. I refuse to be silent. Bring. It. On.
And bring on the joys...

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About Me

- Jodi
- Everyday I fail at being perfect. This blog is a little about those failures and follows the things I am learning about me, life, and the beauty of loving the Lord. My God is in mad pursuit of my heart. He is standing at the end of the aisle waiting for His bride to run to Him... and that is what I plan on doing.