Dear BINGO BINGO, Thursday has been kinda rough to me but you have the opportunity to make it better. Just sayin'. Dear Daniel, you showed me true love this morning when you fed me my sausage biscuit because I was too tired (lazy) to pick it up and put it to my mouth. Thank you for loving me through my exhaustion and emotional times. Dear professor, you hold us over by at least 10 minutes every class. Don't expect me to stay late if you show up 20 minutes late to class. You're a joke. Oh, also I think you were lying when you said your son knew what the word masticate meant going into kindergarten. Dear Lord, day after day my insecurities take over my thoughts and day after day I lose sight of your importance. Quiet these insecurities and allow me to be confident in our relationship. Remind me when I feel all alone that you are holding me. And give me your heart for the lost and broken.
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