
And its another day...

Dear gracious father, I am desperately searching for where you want me. I need your help because I cant figure it out on my own. Dear hypothetically Daniel's yard, If I were to hypothetically have forked you then my wrist would hypothetically be hurting right now because you are very hard dirt. You need some water. Dear tomorrow, I really don't want to work so if you could go by fast I would love you forever. Dear Texas A&M football team, every year I get excited for opening day. Please do not let me down. Dear Mr. Morrow, hypothetically if you were the target of a prank I am sorry. BUT I love you and cannot wait to spend forever with you. Dear sleep, I hear you calling my name and I am answering!

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About Me

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Everyday I fail at being perfect. This blog is a little about those failures and follows the things I am learning about me, life, and the beauty of loving the Lord. My God is in mad pursuit of my heart. He is standing at the end of the aisle waiting for His bride to run to Him... and that is what I plan on doing.
