And bring on the joys...
Dear friend with the middle name "Christ in a stable", when I left for work you were sleeping on our bed couch, mouth slightly open and all, if I was a man I would want to wake up to that every day. Thanks for being my bess frin. Dear self, good job reading 150 pages today. Just for that we will ignore the fact that you will have consumed 5 Dr.Peppers by the end of tonight. Dear future hubby, right now you are probably at the church getting ready for youth group. I adore your heart for the "almost-not-baby-but-still-supported-by-parent-generation". Your heart is B-I-G and I like it! Dear friend H. Polleson :), your unhealthy love for cardigans was apparently contagious cause I caught that fever. Also, today when we were hanging our key hook with the chub chub birds on the wall you told me I am very handy. That compliment made my day. thanky. thanky. Dear fiance, you still owe me 11 presents from our bet. I am thinking a puppy would do (see picture above).
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